Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back to Work

This week I started back to work. Not in the traditional since. I have a work from home job. And let me tell you, it is hard to block off time for work when you have kids at home that you are home schooling. There are a thousand distractions.

So today when the kids went for sewing classes, I stayed home to work. I had 1 1/2 hours of no interruptions. It was nice. I now have a completed report to turn in and one underway. I work for our local hospital. They have a foundation that raises money. And I do research for them. It is a nice job. The pay is good and I set my own time. I just have to discipline myself enough to do the work.

Steve and I had a discussion about this and he is helping me out. It is nice to have his help that way the work and the kids are not all on me. We have time set aside during the evenings when the research is to be done. And when the kids are at other functions during the day. So I will have time to squeeze it in.

I know I am doing the Lord's bidding being at home with my kids and teaching them subjects based on truth not theory. But let me tell you this, it is easier to have a job the you "leave" for. That way the beeping of the laundry and the dirty dished in the sink don't pull you away. ;-)
I am learning to adjust. I have placed the Lord in control and I will go from there. He will sustain me and continue to lead me.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

i bet it would be hard to set aside time!